ScraperWiki: Part III

I’ve now come to the end of my internship at ScraperWiki and I’m glad to say that it’s been a fantastic experience. Being able to work on interesting and challenging problems with experienced developers has been very enjoyable and has confirmed to me that I’ve chosen the right career path. I’ve also learnt a huge amount about various languages and technologies, and about the way software development companies work.

During the summers of the next few years I’ll definitely be looking for similar opportunities to do internships at software companies, since even if they’re unpaid I think they’re worthwhile for the experience. Ideally though, I’d like to find something that pays.

Since Friday, my last day at ScraperWiki, I’ve been preparing to move out to the University of York, which will be happening this Sunday! I’ve also been preparing my entries for the two Raspberry Pi challenges which are taking place on the Friday of Fresher’s Week. The challenges are to create a program to play Battleships in a tournament and to create something interesting and creative using the Pi. After the challenges are over I will write a blog post about both of my entries and how I built them, so look out for those!